Selling Desert Mountain Real Estate? 7 Ways to Prepare

Selling Desert Mountain Real Estate? 7 Ways to Prepare

  • POWER+
  • 09/12/22

Nestled at the foot of the McDowell Mountains, Desert Mountain is one of Scottsdale’s most luxurious enclaves. Surrounded by the majestic beauty of the Sonoran Desert, this lovely gated community features a stunning range of architectural styles, meticulously planned village settings, and a tranquil atmosphere.
Selling luxury property is a unique experience. Desert Mountain homes are indeed remarkable, but like any property, selling these homes requires the expertise of a savvy real estate agent. From pre-inspections and listing prices to renovations and proper staging, this list of the seven ways to prepare for selling your Desert Mountain real estate will help guide you through the entire process.

Find a qualified real estate agent

When you are ready to sell your home, find a qualified real estate agent. Realtors are an essential component in the property selling experience, so work with someone well-versed in the Desert Mountain market. An excellent real estate agent can make the process much easier, smoother, and more profitable than if you handle the deal yourself.
There are plenty of reasons why working with an expert real estate agent is crucial to selling your Desert Mountain home. A knowledgeable, well-connected agent can provide leads and gain more exposure for your home, and their relationships with fellow agents may further expand the pool of potential buyers. A qualified agent also understands the market and how your home fits price-wise, so they can position your home perfectly for multiple bids.

Price appropriately

Pricing a home is an art – one a top real estate agent can navigate better than anyone else. Landing on the correct list price involves more than a simple comparison of similar homes on the market. This is the time to get savvy and strategic, so sit back and watch your agent work their magic.
Sellers tend to price just under market value in hopes of gaining attention. Or they attach a higher number to the house, hoping to suggest exclusivity in the luxury market. Neither approach is helpful. The preferred strategy for many realtors is to list the home more than a little under market value. This causes your home to stand out to buyers. Coupled with a portfolio of top-notch real estate photographs of the property, this approach will likely cause a stir among potential buyers, which heightens the sense of urgency – this buyer wants a gorgeous home for a great deal! Of course, every other buyer wants the same thing. The result? A potential bidding war for your home, and often an offer or two well above the market value.

Focus on curb appeal

In real estate sales, curb appeal is more than a catchy phrase. First impressions mean everything in selling property, and that goes for Desert Mountain homes for sale, as well. Walk the grounds of your property with your agent and take notice of elements you may have previously overlooked.
Is the driveway clean and neat? Does the landscaping along the front walkway need to be trimmed or tidied up? Work with a landscaper to ensure the property puts its best foot forward. Look at your front entrance through the eyes of a stranger – is the entryway inviting? Does the door need a fresh coat of paint? Take the necessary steps to make sure every angle of your home’s exterior shines.

Repairs and renovations

Next, the inside of your home gets the same treatment as the outside. Wander down the hallways, through the rooms, and into every corner. Inspect the ceilings, check the paint, and look at the kitchen through fresh eyes. Is everything pristine, or could the property benefit from repairs? Is the kitchen dated and in need of a makeover?
Statistics show that repairs like new flooring and appliances can significantly impact your profit. The most important thing to remember is your house must look its absolute best, especially when you are competing with luxury real estate.

Plan a pre-inspection

Home inspections are par for the home buying course. You can count on most buyers to schedule a home inspection once they have submitted an offer, so why not get ahead of the game with an inspection of your own?
It can reveal issues with the property you were unaware of and can get you on the path to a solution. Learning your home’s strengths and weaknesses before ever showing the property allows you to fix any issues – and saves both you and the buyer surprises later on.

Clean and declutter

If the home selling process has a theme, it is the importance of first impressions. Before you can list your home, it needs to be spotless – and neutral. Prospective buyers want to visualize life in this new house, so weed out anything you possibly can, put things in storage if necessary, and minimize the furniture, clutter, personal items, and pet supplies. Make your home as showroom quality as possible.
Work with a cleaning crew to ensure the entire house gleams. Windows should be clean and clear, bathrooms should sparkle, and the kitchen should be organized and inviting. Consider emptying about half the contents of your closets, and keep the remaining items organized – buyers have been known to snoop.

Stage and photograph

Staging is one of the essential steps before listing your home and can dramatically increase your home’s ROI. A professional staging company knows how to arrange furniture, style tables, and generally set the stage for prospective buyers. Aspiration is the name of the game, and elegant staging can entice buyers and create excitement for your property.
Once your home is properly staged, it is time to hire a professional real estate photographer. They know how to capture the best lighting and details your home has to offer and can present the property in both an accurate and flattering light.

Selling your Desert Mountain real estate?

Contact the expert team at POWER+ to list your home today.

*Header photo courtesy of POWER+ Real Estate

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POWER+ consistently ranks as the top producing real estate team in the community. With 45 years of combined experience, selling 500+ homes and lots since 2011, their unmatched expertise in Desert Mountain gives buyers and sellers the confidence they need to make informed real estate decisions.

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