7 Secrets to Selling Your Home that People Often Forget

7 Secrets to Selling Your Home that People Often Forget

  • POWER+
  • 05/4/23

North Scottsdale, AZ, is a great place to live for many reasons. The area is full of amenities, has great schools, and is close to many outdoor activities. The climate is also perfect for those who love the sun. And, of course, North Scottsdale is an excellent place to sell homes — but selling your home can be a daunting task. There are so many things to think about, and it's easy to forget the most important things. This blog post will discuss some of the secrets to selling your home that people often forget. By following these tips, you can ensure that your home sells quickly and for the best price possible!

1: Declutter even the "out-of-sight, out-of-mind" areas

Most people know that it's important to declutter before putting their North Scottsdale homes for sale on the market. After all, potential buyers want to be able to imagine themselves living in the space, and that's hard to do when every surface is covered in your personal belongings. However, many people focus on decluttering the main living areas like the living room and kitchen and forget about the importance of decluttering "out-of-sight, out-of-mind" spaces like cabinets, closets, and attics. Decluttering these areas is important for two reasons. First, potential buyers will often peek into these spaces out of curiosity, and you want them to be impressed by what they see. Second, even if potential buyers don't peek into these spaces, they will be aware of them, and cluttered spaces can make a house feel smaller and more cramped than it actually is. So before listing your home for sale, take some time to declutter those hidden spaces — it could make all the difference in whether or not you get your asking price.

2: Eliminate odors

If you're selling your home, it's important to eliminate any strong odors before potential buyers come for a visit. Visitors may be sensitive to them even if you don't notice any bad smells. Common odors include those from pets and flavor-potent recipes. Odors can also signify larger problems, such as pest infestations or water damage. Therefore, getting rid of any strong smells before listing your North Scottsdale home for sale can help to make them more attractive to potential buyers. There are a few different ways to tackle this task. The easiest way is to ask a friend who hasn't visited in a while to give your home an honest "sniff check." Once you've pinpointed the problem areas, you can take steps to address the underlying issue and eliminate the odor. In some cases, this may involve something as simple as cleaning up spills or laundering soiled items. In other cases, you may need to call in a professional to deal with more serious issues. However, taking the time to eliminate odors before listing your home can pay off in the long run by making your property more appealing to buyers.

3: Remove stains and repair minor drywall damage

When getting ready to sell your home, it's important to take care of any minor repair jobs and cosmetic touch-ups. This will help your home to show better and ultimately sell faster. Things like smoke stains (yes, even from your favorite candle!), water stains, and minor damage to walls and floors often turn potential buyers off. By removing these blemishes, you'll be giving your home a much better chance of making a good impression on buyers. In addition, making minor repairs can also help to increase the final selling price of your home. So don't neglect those little details — they could make all the difference in how quickly and for how much your home sells!

4: Replace light bulbs and window coverings

When you're getting ready to sell your home, it's important to take care of all the little details that can make a big impression on potential buyers. One of the things that can really stand out is having fresh light bulbs and window blinds. This shows that you've taken care of the home and that it's in good condition. Plus, it's a minor upgrade that doesn't take much time but can really pay off when it comes time to sell. If you're considering putting your home on the market, be sure to replace any burned-out light bulbs and clean or replace any old window blinds. It's a simple change that can significantly affect how your home shows.

5: Add small details when staging to maintain the home’s welcoming feel

If you're selling your home, you want to make sure it's staged in the best possible way to attract buyers. One of the keys to successful staging is creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Small details can go a long way in achieving this goal. For example, adding mirrors can help to make small spaces appear more open and airy. Plants can also add a touch of life to any room, while rugs can create designated entertainment areas and a cozy feel. By paying attention to these small details, you can make your home more appealing to potential buyers interested in North Scottsdale homes for sale.

6: Don't neglect the outside of the home!

When preparing to sell a home, many people focus on the inside of the house and neglect the outside. However, the home's exterior is just as important as the interior when it comes to making a good impression on potential buyers. First impressions matter; if the outside of the home is in bland condition, it will likely turn buyers away before they even step inside. In addition, neglected exteriors can also lead to lower sale prices. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the siding, windows, roof, doors, and lighting look their best before putting a home on the market. Don't forget about landscaping, either. Well-tended paths, flower beds, and other plants can add curb appeal and help to make a good first impression. You may also consider sprucing up any outdoor entertainment areas with new furniture or accessories. Taking the time to ensure that your home's interior and exterior look their best will help increase your chances of a successful sale.

7: Ensure trash can and recycle receptacles are in good shape

Trash and recycle bins are easily the simplest items to overlook, but don't forget to give them a good once-over. Potential buyers will often take notice of these details, and it's important to ensure they are clean and in good shape. If there is any mildew, rust, or damage, it's best to replace the receptacles. This small detail can make a big difference in how your home shows.

At the end of the day, when selling your home, it's important to take care of all the details — big and small. By attending to these often-forgotten tasks, you can ensure that your home makes a good impression on potential buyers and has the best chance of selling quickly and for its full value. When you are ready to list your home, reach out to the experienced agents on the POWER+ team.

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